Luxana: The female Hard Cases - There's more to it than just repairing DNA, isn't there? That just solves the inheritance problem.

John: Yes. You remember Walter Riggs, he was a Hard Case. Once we know the root cause of a Hard Cases' dysfunctional nurturing, in Walter's case it was being raised by an insulting loveless mother, so we take advantage of the moment in the Dream State when a patient is most receptive to suggestion, the moment of orgasm. A spoken subliminal message is delivered through the speaker system inside the chamber. We auto-suggested that Walter learn to accept and love himself, and to participate in normal society rather than hide from it.

Luxana: You mean like The Voice, that construct used in psycho therapy to characterize the early stage of a negative or undesired pattern of behavior?

John: Yes, that's a good comparison. We've found that slowing the voice down increases the effectiveness, we don't really know why that is. Please don't ever call it The Voice of God, I hate that.

Luxana: Who does the actual recordings?

John: At this facility, I do. That's why I hate that label.

Luxana: Well, I'm glad you don't consider yourself a god, though it sounds like a pretty god-like game we are playing here. This voice thing intrigues me, though. I'd like to hear your recordings and maybe the recordings for other Treatment Centers.

John: Sure, that can be arranged. So I haven't scared you away?

Luxana: Not yet. Is there more?

John: No, no more. Would you like to get your first Hard Case?

Luxana: Yes, is there one?

John: Indeed, Mister Kyle Peluso - skinhead type, has been in and out of Juvenile Halls and jail, documented anger issues, and very sexually repressed. Dysfunctional nurturing occured in a religious boarding school.

Luxana: Well John, thanks for the swell and easy assignment, but seriously, I want this. I want to help beat this "Model" thing.