John: I've never seen it, but they say The Model is so powerful that it can build an entire genome in the time it takes for one of us to breathe in and back out again.

Luxana: That kind of computing power is, it's just incomprehensible!

John: I agree, some people think that the technology isn't terrestrial at all, but the need to know about those kinds of details is at a security level far above yours and mine. It really doesn't matter anyway. It has predicted medium to large crisis events in the near future with 100% accuracy. Whenever the future time line shows a dip, something terrible happens, war, mass killings, those kinds of things.

Luxana: And you've been working all this time knowing that at some moving point in the future we're all...

John: ...totally and completely fucked, yes. That's my unscientific term for it. I should explain that the Hard Cases that come to us are not the people who are likely to be the perpetrators of the kinds of horrific events The Model predicts that wound our collective psyches; they seem to be the ones who bring the monsters-to-be into the world and raise them.

Luxana: The dysfunctional nurturers.

John: Exactly.

John: I wouldn't blame you if you end up hating me for exposing you to all of this.

Luxana: I may, but only if there's no hope, but there is hope, you said so yourself in not so many words.

John: Yes, if we can get better results from the primary nurturers.